Target Tag

Snagged from Mommy Yen.

1. Champion a child - target: None at the moment. Still trying to make him. hahahahha!
2. Encourage a co-worker - target: I don't work. Maybe online friends.
3. Read a a great book - target: Me. I need to finish reading those scrapbook magazines that Alpha sent me.
4. Do something that frightens you - target: Snakes. Yaiks!
5. Write a thank you note - target: To those who touched my life.
6. Do something kind for a stranger - target: The street children outside the church.
7. Wow a customer - target: No customer here. hehehehhe!
8. Learn something new - target: Learn how to edit photos in photoshop.
9. Let go of a resentment - target: Oh well!
10. Do better work - target: I am trying!
11. Be more passionate - target:Again I will try!
12. Speak truthfully - target: I hope! hahahaha!
13. Stand for excellence - target: Me again! I want to excel into something I like. scrapbooking.